November 21, 2017 – During the BQCMB’s 84th meeting in Winnipeg November 14-16, 2017, Board members had an important task – to select the winners of the BQCMB 2017 Poster and Prose contest.

The contest is the 2nd phase of the BQCMB’s “You Can Make a Difference – Caribou for the Future” campaign that launched in March 2017. Phase I of the campaign includes a video, posters and fact sheets on three themes: respectful caribou harvest, the importance of harvest reporting, and cumulative effects. All products can be found here:

Phase II – the Poster and Prose Contest – required students from Grades 7-12 to focus their essays and posters on one of the three themes, and generated 37 entries from schools in the Kivalliq region of Nunavut. The contest was made possible with funding from the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board’s Nunavut Wildlife Studies Fund.

“We were very pleased with the quality and quantity of entries for our contest,” said Ross Thompson, BQCMB Executive Director. “The students displayed a keen understanding of the concepts and showed they are very interested in doing their part in making sure there will be caribou for the future.”

View the winning posters and essays here!

BQCMB members from each community are presenting prizes to the students this week, and winning entries will be featured in an upcoming issue of the BQCMB’s bi-annual newsletter, Caribou News in Brief.

The BQCMB is planning similar contests in northern Manitoba and Saskatchewan in the near future.



The BQCMB is a co-management advisory board that helps manage the Beverly and Qamanirjuaq caribou herds, which migrate across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. The majority of board members represent Aboriginal communities and all board members live in northern Canada.

About the BQCMB

For more information, contact: 

Ross Thompson
BQCMB Executive Director


Lynne Bereza
BQCMB Communications Coordinator