Caribou Connect

Welcome to Caribou Connect!

Caribou Connect is a tool the Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board (BQCMB) has created as part of its 2023-2032 Caribou Management Plan. If we hope to safeguard the Beverly and Qamanirjuaq barren-ground caribou herds for present and future generations, a collective approach is needed. Caribou Connect is for is for individuals, community organizations, governments, industry, tourism operators and others whose actions or decisions may affect the Beverly and Qamanirjuaq caribou herds or their habitats. By using Caribou Connect to share actions related to the Management Plan, we can track the progress of the Plan, share best-practices, encourage further collaboration, and work together for the benefit of the herds and the communities that rely on them.

If you’re not sure whether your project or activity belongs on Caribou Connect, check the “What We Can Do” section.

Caribou Connect

Caribou Connect Activities by Location

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The days for many Indigenous peoples revolved around the migrating caribou – following the animals during hunting seasons.