Education Resources and Tools

The Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board is committed to providing educational support to help our present and future generations understand the important environmental, cultural and economic roles that caribou play, and especially to help them thrive into the future.


You Can Make a Difference – Strengthening Support for Caribou Conservation

With support from WWF-Canada the BQCMB has produced a series of posters, fact sheets, and a video to help to increase public awareness of, and support for, caribou conservation in Canada. These products focus on three themes: Respectful Caribou Harvest, Importance of Harvest Reporting, and Cumulative Effects on Caribou.

Below we provide links to a poster, a fact sheet, and a short video for each theme. Each short video contains excerpts from the complete video with the content relevant to one of the three themes.

Respectful Caribou Harvest

Take only what you need, use all that you take, and leave only your footprints behind.

View Part One of the Video – Respectful Caribou Harvest (12 minutes)

Importance of Harvest Reporting

Share harvest information today to help make sure there will be caribou for tomorrow.

View Part Two of the Video – The Importance of Harvest Reporting (8 minutes)

Caribou and Cumulative Effects

We all need to work together to reduce cumulative effects on caribou and their habitat.

View Part Three of the Video – Cumulative Effects (10 minutes)

resources for youth


In support of the BQCMB’s 2023-2032 Caribou Management Plan, the board has produced an activity book for youth in grades 3-5. This 28 page kit answers many caribou-related questions, covers topics such as cultural importance of caribou and caribou adaptations, and contains numerous activities for students to enjoy. Download a copy here or order printed copies for your classroom by sending an email to


Each year, the BQCMB channels funds to caribou-range community-based projects that ideally target school-age youth. This give kids a chance to gain new knowledge, learning from seasoned hunters, trappers and elders. The BQCMB community caribou program, started in 2007, has shifted its focus from hunting caribou to providing general “on the land” experiences.

In recent years, the BQCMB has granted program funding to schools in Lutsel K’e, NWT; Black Lake, SK; Fond du Lac, SK; Hatchet Lake, SK; Tadoule Lake, MB; and Lac Brochet, MB, and Arviat, NU among others.

For more information about BQCMB On-the-Land Camps, please contact us.

Poster Contests

Between 2017 and 2019 the BQCMB held several poster contests for K-12 students in schools located on the Beverly and Qamanirjuaq caribou range. These contests were part of Phase II of the BQCMB’s “You Can Make a Difference – Caribou for the Future”campaign. Phase I of the campaign included a video, posters and fact sheets on three themes: respectful caribou harvest, the importance of harvest reporting, and cumulative effects on caribou.

The Poster and Prose Contests required students to focus their essays and posters on one of the three themes. BQCMB members judged the contests during regular Board meetings each spring and fall.


Gunther Abrahamson Caribou Research and Management Award

The BQCMB helps post-secondary students learn more about the management and conservation of barren-ground caribou and their habitat through its Caribou Research and Management Award, sponsored by the Caribou Management Scholarship Fund. The annual award, administered by the Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies, currently carries a value of up to $5,000 and is open to university OR college students studying barren-ground caribou and/or their range in Canada. Preference is given to applicants from a caribou-range community and to those examining the Beverly and Qamanirjuaq herds. Award amounts vary from year to year.

Fieldwork is not required. Please note that students conducting traditional knowledge studies as well as scientific studies are encouraged to apply!

In 2016, the BQCMB re-named the Caribou Research and Management Award the Gunther Abrahamson Research and Management Award, in honour of the BQCMB’s first secretary-treasurer, the late Gunther Abrahamson.

Interesting Facts About the Caribou

Discover almost everything you could want to know about barren-ground caribou here on our Quick Facts page. Caribou have a lot of interesting traits and behaviours and we have been studying them for a long time. If you still have questions about something we haven’t covered here, don’t hesitate to send them our way by e-mail.