Government Commitments to the BQCMB
The BQCMB can only be successful as a multi-jurisdictional co-management Board if all government parties contribute funding and support board member participation in BQCMB meetings.

2023-2032 Management Agreement
The BQCMB’s 2012-2022 Barren Ground Caribou Management Agreement was set to expire on March 31, 2022. The Board began looking for confirmation of support for the next 10-year Agreement in early 2022. At that time, Chair Earl Evans anticipated that all governments and community partners would see the value of continuing to support the BQCMB.
“With both herds declining, we have to be more vigilant than ever to ensure the important cultural, spiritual and economic relationship between northern peoples and barren-ground caribou are protected,” he says. “Buy-in from all governments is essential for this Board to do its job so that Indigenous people who depend on these herds will have access to them for generations to come.”
The BQCMB received letters of support in principle from the governments of Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. The Board drafted a proposed new Management Agreement and sent it to each jurisdiction for review in late 2021.
However, after reviewing the proposed agreement, the parties agreed more time was required to achieve consensus and agreed to an amendment to the existing agreement until a new multi-year agreement was finalized.
The Management Agreement was officially signed by all parties mid-2023.
View the 2023-2032 Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Barren Ground Caribou Management Agreement.