Posters and Prose Contest Winners
Thank you to all who participate in our Posters and Prose Contests. We love looking through your entries and finding a clear winner is always a very difficult choice! The BQCMB is here to help caribou thrive in our changing world and we are glad you are helping us achieve this goal.
Mackynnen MacDonald-Taylor, 1st Prize
P.W.K. Kaiser High School
Northwest Territories
The BQCMB fall 2019 Poster and Prose Contest was open to Grade 7 to 12 students from Fort Resolution, Fort Smith, and Lutsel K’e NWT. The contest was made possible with generous funding from the Government of Northwest Territories Species at Risk Stewardship Program.
Northwest Territories
The BQCMB fall 2018 Poster and Prose Contest was open to Grade 7 to 12 students from Fort Resolution, Fort Smith, and Lutsel K’e NWT. The contest was made possible with generous funding from the Government of Northwest Territories Species at Risk Stewardship Program. The BQCMB congratulates all winners and thanks to all students from Lutsel K’e Dene School who submitted artwork and essays!

Isabella Natawy, 1st Prize

Kierra Grandjambe, 2nd prize

Nitanis Laboucan, 3rd prize
Northern Manitoba
During the BQCMB’s 85th meeting in Prince Albert, SK from May 8-10, 2018 Board members were called upon to select the winners of the BQCMB’s spring 2018 Poster & Prose Contest. Like last fall’s contest in Nunavut (see below) the theme was again the BQCMB’s “You Can Make a Difference – Caribou for the Future” campaign. This time, however, the contest was held in northern Manitoba schools. Students from grade 7-12 were invited to focus their posters on one of the campaign’s three themes: respectful caribou harvest, the importance of harvest reporting, and cumulative effects on caribou.
The BQCMB congratulates all winners, and thanks to all students who submitted artwork!
The contest was made possible with generous funding from the Manitoba Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund (FWEF).
Watch for upcoming Poster & Prose Contests coming up this fall in NWT and Northern Saskatchewan!

Eldrid Bighetty, 1st prize

Izzy Bighetty, 2nd prize

Ciara Bighetty, 3rd prize
During the BQCMB’s 84th meeting in Winnipeg November 14-16, 2017, Board members had an important task – to select the winners of the BQCMB 2017 Poster and Prose contest. The contest is the 2nd phase of the BQCMB’s “You Can Make a Difference – Caribou for the Future” campaign that launched in March 2017. Phase I of the campaign includes a video, posters and fact sheets on three themes: respectful caribou harvest, the importance of harvest reporting, and cumulative effects on caribou.
Phase II – the Poster and Prose Contest – required students from Grades 7-12 to focus their essays and posters on one of the three themes, and generated 37 entries from schools in the Kivalliq region of Nunavut. The contest was made possible with funding from the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board’s Nunavut Wildlife Studies Fund.
“We were very pleased with the quality and quantity of entries for our contest,” said Ross Thompson, BQCMB Executive Director. “The students displayed a keen understanding of the concepts and showed they are very interested in doing their part in making sure there will be caribou for the future.”
Winners are as follows:
Gr. 7-9 Category
1st place – Essay: Respecting Caribou Johnathan Campbell, Gr. 7, Qitiqliq Middle School, Arviat
2nd place – Poster: Keep our Caribou Populations Sustainable: Cayla Kablutsiak, Gr. 8, Qitiqliq Middle School, Arviat
3rd place – Essay: Respectful Caribou Hunting: Irena Komak, Gr. 7, Qitiqliq Middle School, Arviat
Gr. 10-12 Category
1st place – Essay: Cumulative Effects: William Campbell, Gr. 10, John Arnalukuik High School, Arviat
2nd place – Poster: Landscape/Climate/Habitat Change, Aulajuq (Raymond) Iqqaat, Gr. 10, Jonah Amitnaaq Secondary School, Baker Lake
3rd place – Essay: Lindsey Aksawnee, Gr. 12, Jonah Amitnaaq Secondary School, Baker Lake
Honourable Mentions:
Essay: Respectful Caribou Hunting: Kenia Pike, Inuglak School, Whale Cove
Poster: Caribou Uses: Garreth Anoee, Gr. 7, Qitiqliq Middle school, Arviat
Poster: Caribou Uses: Reanne Gibbons, Gr. 8, Qitiqliq Middle School, Arviat